Friday, 29 November 2019


Walt : To problem solve as a team.
Today in Stem we had to make a bridge out of big and small Popsicle sticks and 10 rubber bands. My group is made up of Fox, Aimee,Linkon and I.
It had to be 20 centimetres long and not straight.   We made many designs but they failed.

What went well was that it was fun making it.  In the end we failed.  I brought them home to make other things.

Our next step is to work together a teeny bit more.

Have you ever made something like that?


Walt:  work together to problem solve. 
 In stem we had to make a slide or something to try and get a marble to the bottom.  My group was made out of Fox, Aimee and Linkon.  We only had 20 minutes to make it and with only 6 toilet rolls , some tape and scissors.  I was the taper, Fox was the holder, Aimee was the builder and Linkon was the builder.  Our slide broke at the last second but luckily Aimee built another  design in seconds. Our made it ( YES!!)  but some groups didn't.
The building was challenging because one wrong move and it will break.  Our next is that everybody works together.

Have you ever made something like the thing we made?

Thursday, 21 November 2019


Caritas is an organisation that helps people all over the world. 
The way they carry out Gods is that they help people in need all over the world.   How do you carry out Gods mission ?

Flipping your lid

Flipping your lid is easy to do, even though you don't want to do it.  Your brain is split into two operations. The reptile brain and the upstairs part. when you get angry try to notice the signs that you are about to flip your lid. You start to breathe heavily and your hands and teeth are clenched. Try and do something you like to  calm down. Do a super hero pose, it calms you down!  Someways to calm down is... Deep breathes, smiling, dancing, they are all ways to calm down! How do you calm down?     

Pixel art

WALT: To use pixel art.
Today we learnt who to do pixel art.  We copied a picture and numbered the perimeter.
Have you ever done pixel art?

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Church and Penance

WALT: Know about God and Penance.   We worship  God in church.  Church is not the building that makes it church it is the people that makes it church.   Church is where you pray and worship God.      Next is the symbol of Penance.  The symbol of Penance is where you go to the priest to get forgiven.  You go to the priest and say sorry and then he go's to the room were Gods presence is and your forgiven.