Thursday, 1 August 2019

Church information

Kia Ora everyone!  This is my google drawing about Church stuff.  Do you know about worshipping God? Because I do!!!  It's okay if you don't know because going to show you how!  It's pretty easy to do.  You can either sing songs about him or you can pray.  It's okay if your not Christian.  How you pray is you say Dear God/Jesus, then you say what you need help with then say Amen. Then you are  done!  My google drawing is about: Who you can pray with,were you can pray and a verse from the bible.   The verse is "For where two or three gather in my name,there I am with them"  Matthew 18:20.  It means it doesn't matter how many come to worship him he will still be there.  

Do you pray?

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