Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Magical Museum

On Monday we went to the Museum with Room 1.  We went on a double decker  bus.  When  we got to the Museum we went through Safety.  Then our leader Anthony said that polar bears have black skin and clear fur.  They also have hollow fur that acts like a duvet.  Then we went in the Arctic voice exhibition.  I was in knowlege heaven! I researched about the Snowy Owl.The Snowy Owl have feathers on it's toes.  It also camoflages. We did a scavenger hunt but my group was really disruptive. My favourite part was the Arctic Voice exhibition because I learned a lot.  Whats your favourite part of the Museum?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily-Rose,
    What a great blog post. I was really interested to read about the polar bears hollow fur, that's something I didn't know. I guess a Snowy Owl is white and it's camouflaged because of all the snow in the Arctic. My favourite part of the Museum is the Christchurch street because I like to imagine what our city was like before we were alive. I hope you get to go back to knowledge heaven soon!


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