Friday, 24 April 2020

The features of a circle

WALT: To  know what the features of a circle is and label them on a circle.
In Geometry today we had to look at a video to learn what the Chords, The Diameter, The Radius and the Circumference is on a circle.  Then we had to label them on a circle. Do you like mine?

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Caring for your furball guinea pigs!!

W.A.L.T Post our instruction writing.
In Writing today we had to post our instructions to our blog. I chose caring for your guinea pigs! I have three guinea pigs so I know a lot about them. Some of may think that it is boring looking after guinea pigs day after day, but if you give them treats every day and do what you are supposed to do, your guinea pigs will love you.
You need to give them fresh hay every two days , you need to clean out there water bottles and fill them up with fresh water every two days and you need to give them fresh food every two days. You also need to give them treats such as lettuce, apples, carrot and broccoli every day. But please look it up if you are unsure what food they cant eat because some foods are poisonous. They like small branches of an apple or pear tree some times. Some flowers are poisonous to guinea pig so please know what they can eat instead of just giving it to them. Some flowers they can't eat are chickweed, coltsfoot, goldenrod, green clover, groundsel, mallow, plantain, yarrow, asters, nasturtiums, sunflowers and the sweet peas flower.
Anyway the photos down below are of one of my three guineas pigs called Goldie and a photo of my hutch .( I cant fit three photos in)

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Shapes around the house

WALT: Describe the features of 2D shapes using geometric language.  
 Today on Maths we had to look outside and inside for 2D shapes.  Then we had to take a photo of them and put it in the slideshow to post to blog.  So here are the shapes that I found.
How many 2D shapes can you find?

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

3D shapes

WALT: describe
In maths today we had to watch a video on 3D shapes and then show our understanding in a slideshow.  Then we had choose a page of the slideshow and post it to our blog.  I worked together on the slide show.  Do you know any 3D shapes? 

Monday, 20 April 2020

Interesting Horse Fact.

In reading to day we had to read the book called The Horse on Sunshine Classics.  We then had to pick out a fact that you liked and make a google drawing about it.  Then we had to post it to our blog.  What fact do you know about horses?

WALT: To find a Interesting horse fact from a book and Make a google drawing about it.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Daily Exercise

WALT: Make a exercise routine and post to blog.
Do ten burpies (no cheating)
Do ten basketball hoops
Then do ten skips with a skipping rope ( any rope is fine)
Repeat 3 times. What have you done for exercise?

Thursday, 16 April 2020


WALT: To explain what the meaning of the song is.
In RE today we had to listen to a song and try in under stand what the meaning of the song is.  I choose Nobody by Casting Crowns because it is a great song.  I think it means that no matter how unpopular or poor you are you can still be important.  Jesus choose the people that didn't fit in and he changed the world.  If you don' t understand what I mean then listen to the song and you will know what I mean. this link.   Do you like it?

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Can you guess what happens in the story???

WALT: To predict what will happen in the story by looking at the cover.
Today in Reading we had to pick a book and design our own cover for it. Then we have to post a picture it to our blog and you have to guess what will happen in the book! Hopefully you will comment on my post and if you do please tell me what you think will happen in it!!! Can you predict what will happen in this story???


WALT: To know what compassion means and how to use compassion.
Today it was back to school but because we are in lock down it is back to online learning.  Today for RE we had to watch a video and pick out the key points. This is what I did.    What do you think compassion means?

Friday, 10 April 2020

How to blow bubbles out of a lemonade bottle.

WALT: To make bubbles come out of a lemonade bottle.
If you have nothing to do during this lock down try making bubbles come out of a lemonade bottle.   It is easy to make.  First you get a empty lemonade bottle or any plastic bottle but if you want the best results use a lemonade bottle.  Next you cut off the bottom of the bottle.  Then you get a sock and put it over the hole on the bottom. You can use any sock you want but I used a school sock.  (No holes allowed)  Then you daub the bottom of it in hot water with dish wash liquid.  Put your mouth over the top of the bottle and blow.Foam should come out of the sock.To do it again daub the bottom of it in hot water with dish wash liquid again.
Enjoy!  Have you ever done something like that?  

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

This is what i have been doing

This is what I have been doing.